

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Information Systems

 Every little thing imaginable is a form of information. Every form of information is composed of bits of data; without data there would be no information. In a way information converts many pieces of data into something meaningful and useful. According to Manisha, author of the article, Difference Between Data and Information, “Information is usually the processed outcome of data. More specifically speaking, it is derived from data.” [1] Information systems help transmit all the meaningful data and information into some kind of purpose. 
  The use of information systems in recent years have skyrocketed due to the advancement of technology. For example, the use of computers and smart phones in more ways than one present a good deal of any information that is available. [2] With just a quick click on the computer or a smart phone you can have any information about any topic you choose. 
Information systems have only been beneficial to everyday people and especially businesses. A very important career that has benefited from the development of information systems is the accounting profession. Without information systems accountants would still be writing all data on pieces of paper and transforming into important information manually. Now there are numerous programs that take each piece of data and transform it in record time. Not only is speed a huge benefit but so is safety too, writing each piece of information down brings a high risk of losing data. Once data is entered into the computer and backed up, its there for good when using information systems. [3] Information systems also have a less likely chance of making errors within the data.  
In conclusion the development of information systems is a huge benefit.  The process of transmitting data into information into something that helps make something work more efficiently is very impressive. Without information systems today, even the most simplest, our lives would be a lot more hectic than most are already.

1. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-data-and-information/
2. http://bizcovering.com/e-commerce/business-information-systems-introduction/
3. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/benefits-information-system-accounting-3956.html

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