

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


            Information systems are an important part of having a successful business.  Every business uses several different types of information systems in every business day.  An information system transforms data into something that works to provide positive feedback.  Information systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization.”  With that said, without the use of information systems most businesses would eventually fail. [1]
            Information systems are composed of four major parts; input (collecting data), processing (transforming data), output (outcome of the data), and feedback (used to make decisions regarding changes of the outcome of data).  Each component is a critical part within the system and the cycle goes over and over again through input, processing, output, and feedback.  Information systems can also be computerized or done manually.
            The computer-based information systems are more important to a business than the manual information systems.   Designing and developing a CBIS is one of the most important activities in any organization, as it involves people at different levels in the organization, like any living organism, CBIS also has a life cycle.  Like regular information systems, computer-based information systems are composed of different components, along with the same four major parts.  Most commonly known as hardware (the parts of the computer that do most of the inputting, processing, and outputting) and software (the programs that make a computer work) make up CBIS. [2]
            All information systems are designed for three major things; to “perform, control, and coordinate the processes that perform its functions and achieve its goals.  Using information systems within a business helps to make the business run smoothly as well as more efficiently. 

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_systems
  2. http://www.sswug.org/articles/viewarticle.aspx?id=40147
  3. http://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings54th/article/view/1423

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